Thursday, December 18, 2008

It's Alive!!!

Welcome to the blog for Seven Crowns Tattoo!
We will be updating you here on whats going on , not only with the studio and it's working, but all the fun stuff outside of tattooing that we will be involved with. Be sure to watch for a grand openning celebration, small gallery shows, convention attendance, guest spots, literary reviews, and advice on battling the paranormal!
The brand spanking new studio is open for bussiness, taking appointments and such. Call us at 416 322 7696 for an appointment or consultation. The studio is at 2499 Yonge st, in suite #3, about 3 or 4 blocks north of Eglinton, across from the historic Capitol event theatre, and above the sultry Secrets from your Sister lingerie boutique.
Have a happy holiday season, and remember: there is no gift like one that is indellably etched upon your skin longer than your own lifespan!