Monday, November 23, 2009


The site has been updated with some new pics of tattoos and painting done ala us! Check them out and let us know what you think.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

One step forward, 15 backs art show this friday!

So just a reminder to all the folks out there anywhere close to
Toronto making plans for this weekend…start it off with a blast!!!
This Friday night will be Seven Crowns' presentation of "One step
forward, 15 backs". That is right…Friday night at Rockie Raccoons
(2579 Yonge St., just three lights north of the Eglinton subway
station), is where you'll find 15 pieces of affiliated artworks
presenting the perplexing, prodigious, and sometimes even
perspiration-inspiring portrayals of the tattooed backpiece! Yes, the
backpiece, long upheld as "king" in the tattoo world, is on display
for all those brave, willing and fortunate enough to come and bear
This time we are not only featuring some of Toronto's best, but
we've now spread our artistic tentacles to outside of the core, into
the nether regions exterior of the city. Step by step we bring in the
goods and share them with you! Might wanna try and make this one;
after this, we hunker down for a winter of planning and scheming for a
more NATION WIDE event. So get in on the ground floor and be able to
tell people: "I used to go to these things when..."
As usual food, cheap drinks, dashing gentlemen, saucy ladies and
fabulous artwork will abound. So come on down and support the art of


Monday, May 11, 2009

Art show reminder

Hey there all of you tattooists out there,

If you planned on putting work into, hence enjoying, the communal art show which is the “Monsters, Martyrs and May-sterpieces” (the show at Rockie Raccons, 2579 Yonge St., in Toronto on Saturday, May 30th), it is time to gather the troops, inform your friends, ready the pieces and start planning on getting them in to us. We would like our deadline date to be the 20th of May, and it’s coming up fast. Doesn’t have to be anything new; an older piece will do. Just make sure that they are brought to us the way you want them hung, framed, bulldog clips, or what have you.
Technically this will be the first Seven Crowns art show, so get in on the ground floor and make your mark in history. We will have photographers and possibly videographers documenting the show and the party for posterity. This is how we are kicking off what should shape up to be a busy whirlwind first summer for us, so come on out and enjoy the fun and be part of it.
The show may run the entirety of the month, and works may be picked up, or they will be mailed back (for out-of-towners) afterwards. Of course if you are mailing us a piece and want it returned, please send the cost of shipping; or it will honestly be a looooong time before you see it again. Any sales will be on terms between the artist and the buyer, we will not be facilitating sales, therefore not taking a cut. It would be good to be at the party though when people start asking whether or not said piece is sold. Please send name, title, price, shop address and medium for the pieces, so we can label them for the show. Also, we have flyers for shops that have participating artists to advertise the show.
Any further questions can be directed to us by phone at 416 322 7696, or via e-mail at

Many local tattooists, tattooers and stencil jockeys have signed on for this event, and you should too.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

We've been busy.

Aside from designs and appointments, which have been coming in very steadily since our opening, we’ve been involved with all sorts of exciting stuff.

Our opening party was a blast, and everyone had a great time. Video evidence will be presented on our site by the end of this month via Kim Brown (who is available for work on your website, if you so wish). Thanks to all who attended, Sarah B. for her services at the DJ booth, Rocky Raccoons for the fabulous spread and the hospitality, Eva and Chris for manning the merch, Secrets From Your Sister for the giveaways and Peter Gualtieri for documenting the night. Our next party is in the works, ‘Seven Secrets’ (a co-presentation with Secrets From Your Sister) will take place in late May…we’ll be in touch.

Recently, we traveled to Winnipeg for some Salisbury House take-out and the Just For Kicks art show, presented by Pat Lazo and Rich Handford at the Graffiti Gallery. Artists from all over the country decorated Vans shoes and the volume of ideas was nearly too much for the room to hold. It was brilliant, and we’re hoping that we can reciprocate and put something like that together in the Fall. In the meantime, we are planning an art show for this summer, and we’re having monthly or bi-monthly painting nights at the studio, so keep your eyes and ears open.

Website updates will be coming soon, with new tattoo pics and video being collected. Most of what we’ve been doing since opening is larger, pre-planned work, so we have a limited amount of new photos right now (some of which can be seen on Facebook, Inked Nation and BME). Check the site when you can, as we hope to update fairly regularly.

We’re also busy painting and prepping for NIX (the 11th annual-June 19th-21st, at the Toronto Hilton) as well as (thanks to Damian McGrath) a convention in China in August. As well, remember that barbecue season is coming…and we have that deck…oh yeah. And, finally, thanks to Jason Locke for coming in to do a machine shop with us (and letting us use the meter)…it’s great to have the outside opinion.

We’ll keep everyone posted about updates and the coming party. Book up now folks, it’s already Spring!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Didn't expect it...

Everyone talks about how amazing AC DC is live, but I thought there had to be some energy-loss over the years. I was absolutely amazed when I took my son last week and caught one of the best shows I've seen to date (no hyperbole whatsoever). Regardless of the stage production, which was all it was hyped to be, these guys (cheifly Brian Johnson and Angus Young) were all over the place, and really didn't let up. My son was floored, and I'd have to say I was with him.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Oh, we're back.

We are hoping that everyone had a great time over the holidays. We certainly did.

On that note, we’re back down to business, and holding relatively regular hours. Matt is around on Mondays and Tuesdays, as well as Friday through Sunday. George is usually around between noon and 8pm, Tuesday through Saturday. Feel free to give us a holler to book time, or to just swing by and visit. (416) 322-7696.

Looking forward to a positive New Year.