Tuesday, April 27, 2010

NIX is coming up

That's right, once again Seven Crowns are representing at N.I.X., the Toronto tattoo convention. It really does get better every year.
Check it out at:
If you would like to get work done by either George or Matthew, send an email to contact@sevencrownstattoo.com or give us a call at 416 322 7696. Spaces are starting to fill up, and this is the only convention that we are doing this year.

The twoonie tattoo project

I know that we've been a little slow on the blog, but lots is going on. First off I have to introduce you to the Twonie tattoo Project, otherwise known as "twodollartattoo". We here at Seven Crowns along with associates at www.stickandpoke.com have created some diabolically delicious in the form of a challenge.
If you haven't checked it out already, you really should: